In case you haven't already had a chance to laugh at these photos that were shot at the Hardwood Hills Canada Cup two weekends ago, here's the link: hahah still funny.
While pre-riding the day before I had spent about 20 minutes trying to convince myself that the rock with the wood ramp was a non-issue and very do-able. And after watching pre-riders of seemingly all abilities hop right over it with ease, I talked myself into "just doing it!" during the race. For me, when it's an issue of mind over matter, my mind is sure to prevail. I went at the ramp STRAIGHT ON, didn't even consider shifting my weight back or lifting my front wheel, then had a good chuckle as I flew over the handlebars.

That wasn't my only fall either... I had had a nightmare a few nights earlier where instead of bikes, we all had to bounce around the course on red, rubber balls. Two officials were standing on either side of the boneshaker, making sure every rider bounced down head first, or else they would be disqualified. Needless to say, I had been dreading the boneshaker for a while. Since this was my first time riding Hardwood in the elite wave, I had never ridden the BS from the top before. Generally I love the techy sections of the courses but again, this was an affair of mind over matter. My mind came out on top and I crashed down hard on the last lap. I left Hardwood in an unwarranted full arm splint that day and was mountain biking within 24hrs.
On to the next weekend! Two days of complete mountain bike fun. On Saturday, Toronto hosted its first ever Toronto Mountain Bike Festival and the Wild Betties were there in full force! The Festival was quaint and no match to the Ontario Mountain Bike Fest, but the organizers said they achieved this years goals in getting new riders out on the trails and hope to expand the event for the coming years.
Sunday of course was the Albion O-Cup. I think I am happy with my race, although it would always be nice to be faster! I found the course tricky for passing and a bit confusing, but on the whole it was a great event. Nice dry trails, beautiful sunshine, great cheerers on the tough climbs and good times with old friends.
Well, I've done it. I updated my blog and it feeeeeeels good.
Going for a jump in the lake with the brown fish <- legendary childhood beast living under the dock.